The BKM-assistant Professorship Ökonomische und soziale Netzwerke der Deutschen im östlichen Europa im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert at the Technische Universität Dresden and the Department of Jewish Studies of the University of Wrocław/ Katedra Judaistyki im. Tadeusza Taubego (Uniwersytet Wrocławski) invite interested scholars to take part in the publication “Topography of the Shoah in Breslau/ Wrocław 1933–1949“.
Breslau/Wrocław is a city with more than 800 years of Jewish history. Since the middle ages Jews belonged to Breslau/Wrocław and shaped the city among Polish, Czech, Austrian, Prussian and German influences. Until the deportation of the last Breslau Jews in 1943, the third biggest Jewish community of the Reich (after Berlin and Frankfurt) lived in Breslau. Its members became victims of the NS-policy of persecution and extermination like Jews of other German and European cities. As Breslau underwent a complete exchange of population after World War II and became the Polish city of Wrocław, the history of the German-Jewish pre-war period got out of sight of public interest as well as of research in both Poland and Germany after 1945 and in the following decades.
Aim of the project is an illustrated publication on the „Topography of the Shoah in Breslau/ Wrocław 1933–1949“, that is based on new research and will assemble contributions from various international experts. The project connects the experiences of persecution, ghettoization, forced labor, deportation, expulsion, deprivation and extermination of (German, Polish, stateless) Jews of Breslau as well as of the new beginning of Jewish life in Wrocław and binds it to specific places within the urban space and thus helps to experience the history of Jewish life and its legacy. Besides delivering substantial contributions to Jewish peoples and places, the publication connects the historic places with one another and offers a new reading of the texture of the city and the “chapter of the Shoah” in Breslau/Wrocław.
Interested contributors are invited to take part in a workshop in Wrocław on March 22 and 23. After introducing speeches the contributors are invited to present their subject proposals (10 minutes). After the individual presentations the participants have the opportunity to discuss the variety and combination of issues, common problems and perspectives, biographical and content-related interconnections of the different subjects, co-ordinate research in archives and exchange information on access to relevant sources and literature.
Authors who decide to co-operate will get a contract for specific work concerning the proposed research contribution. An honorarium of 1.500 Euro is provided for each author. Accruing traveling expenses for library and archive research, interviews with survivors or similar purposes can be retrieved. One third of the honorarium is payed after signing the contract, the rest becomes due with the submission of the article no later than 28 February 2020). Moreover participants commit themselves to take part in a conference that will take place in April 2019 in Dresden to present intermediate results.
Workshop and conference languages will be German and English.
Within a week after the submission deadline invitations will be send to participants of the workshop.
We are looking forward to your participation in the project.
Application and enquiries
Maria Luft (Academic Secretary):
Telefon: +49 151 23 47 52 53
Participants should send an abstract (max 3000 characters) and a short bio (max 1000 characters) as PDF no later than 16 February to Maria Luft:
Travel costs can be reimbursed (up to 100 Euro/person).
The project is supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.
Junior-Prof. Dr. Tim Buchen
BKM-Juniorprofessur Soziale und ökonomische Netzwerke der Deutschen im östlichen Europa im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert an der Technischen Universität Dresden
Philosophische Fakultät, Institut für Geschichte
Zellescher Weg 17
01069 Dresden
Telefon: +49 351 463 3584